Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Nastya!!

You are 10 today sweet girl. How I wish that I could have celebrated every birthday and milestone with you. How I wish that I had sung you happy birthday every October 10th and been a part of every one of your first 10 years. What was I even doing 10 years ago? Well I had a new baby but had no idea that another of my children was being born half a world away. I would not know you for almost 10 years. But we can both have peace despite the loss because God knew you. He created you perfectly and knew every day of yours before there was one. He was preparing me for you long before I knew you and preparing you for me. His plan was and is always filled with hope and a future. Never forget that. Your Father always has been and will be your father in heaven. He has never left you even when the darkness has overwhelmed you, He was there carrying you through it. And today Daddy and I celebrated your life and your future with you. I pray that your day was blessed and that you know how very much you are loved and cherished. We love you, Momma and Daddy

Today it took from about 11 in the morning until about 2 to accomplish buying two small chocolate cakes, some fruit, candy, bottled water, and finding taxis to the market and then to the orphanage. We traveled less than 8 miles in all! Everything takes 10 times longes here with long lines (one for fruit, one for candy, one for checkout) and humorous attempts to find and communicate with taxi drivers who speak another language. It goes like this - we flag a taxi, show him the written address (in Ukrainian) where we wish to go, offer him about 20 grivna and he says no 30 grivna. Well that is way too much - 20 is actually too much. So we start again. It is best to find a metered taxi but to do this we must call and that is interesting with my limited ukrainian. It sounds like "Preevit, Ya hochu taxi e dee tu dee hotel Ukraine, spa see ba." Translation, "Hi, I would like a taxi to come to Hotel Ukraine, please." Half the time it works and half the time they hang up. But we eventually get to where we need to go - usually just later than sooner. Today, we were tired and a little stressed by the time we arrived at the orphanage for the party scheduled in the girls classroom with their whole class. We were loaded down with goods that we had to smuggle in without other children seeing what we had. No easy task. But we were smooth! We made it just in time to set up and put candles on the cake before the kids came running in. It was fun and we had fruit, cake, ballons, pens and lipgloss for everyone. Big hits! Nastya shared her birthday celebration with a friend who also had a birthday today. I think it was better for all the attention to not be on her, as they are not used to being singled out. It all went well and then we went outside to play water balloon tosses. All in all a very fun day. But you know what?!? - Throwing a birthday party in Ukraine is just as exhausting for mom as doing one in America!!!


junglemama said...

Happy Birthday Nastia!

Kevin and Pam said...

Happy Birthday Nastia! I don't know why but I fell apart reading this post. My emotions are catching up with me:)

Connie said...

Oh my! Happy Birthday Nastya!!!

There will be MANY more celebrations in the years to come with your forever family! :-)

Tami said...

Happy Birthday Nastia! How awesome that you got to spend that special day with her...and now, many more to come! :)

ashley said...

Happy Birthday Nastya!! What a beautiful cake! Thats looks yummy! The orphanage looks really nice, great class rooms!

adopting2fromUkraine said...

Happy Birthday Nastya! I don't know how you smuggled all that in without any children knowing. Especially the cake! It sounds like you had a really fun day:)

It is difficult to get your point across to a taxi. We had one guy our facilitator set up our first trip. Then on the second, we let Karina tell the taxi where we wanted to go. And you're right, the ones who charge by the mile are cheaper.

Love all the pics.


ArtworkByRuth said...

Sounds like a perfect day! I can't believe the orphanage staff let you throw water balloons! Congrats and God Bless Nastia! said...

Hello from Abigail's mom in NB! What a wonderful birthday, and every bitt worth the trouble!

sue potts said...
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sue potts said...

happy birthday!
Gran and poppy

jeri said...

oh the tears are flowing now. you described the years lost so perfectly. i know that someday those words will mean the world to nastya. i pray that all the love these girls will now receive will somehow make up for the lost years. i bet nastya went to bed with a huge smile on her face that lasted all thru the nite. i love you stephanee and cant wait to have you home with those sweet girls. mommie

Laura said...

Happy Birthday Nastya! Praying for your safe journey and return.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Nastya!! Stephanee-we are praying for you all and are so EXCITED to keep up with your beautiful journey!! How exciting to be there on Nastya's 10th birthday- I'm sure it will be a birthday that she treasures forever! Love from the Newsom's!