Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Happy 11th Birthday Anastasiya Joy!!!

On Saturday, we celebrated sweet Anastasiya's 11th birthday!! It was such a special day and we just praise God for her life and that he made this precious child our daughter. We love who He created her to be and have been privileged to watch her grow and blossom this past year. We love you so much baby girl!!!

We woke up early Saturday morning and took her the cake that we had made. She was already awake, but knew she had to wait in bed so that we could 'wake her up' with the cake :) She has that tradition down!! It was such a fitting cake complete with horses of course...

This picture looks like the horse is jumping through flames.

Soon after that, we ate breakfast and opened presents. She loved every minute and just as she was opening the gift that her godmother, Alla, in Ukraine had sent, we received an email message from Alla. She was asking if we could call so that she could wish her a happy birthday.
We were able to 'see' Alla and some of Nastya's best friends via Skype. They were able to talk for quite awhile and it was very special to her that her friends were thinking about her. We enjoyed 'seeing' them as well!!! What a wonderful blessing Alla has been to my girls and to so many others who are in the orphanage. She is truly an angel to them and they feel such love from her.

Back to the present opening - Nastya had a bag in it with a little card that told her 'sang' the chicken dance and read that her surprise went 'peep, peep' and was awaiting in our bathroom. Yep she got baby chicks for her birthday! And according to her they were "the very best gift in the whole world!" She has been begging for us to start a coop and asked if she could pleaaaaasssee have it for her birthday but she was completely surprised.

Here she is with her peeps...

Yes - that is six chicks in my bathroom... They have now been moved to her room and will soon be moved out to the soon-to-be-built chicken coop. In the meantime - they might just be the most loved little chicks that ever existed.
Finally we had borscht for dinner. It again received the Ukrainians' stamp of approval. This time I did use a food processor for the veggies - way better plan!! We talked about our favorite things about Nastya ~

Allee - "That she is adventurous and loves the outdoors."
Jadon - "That she loves animals"
Katya - "That she is beautiful and such a good sister"
Ben - "That she always plays horses with me"
Zach - "That she was funny and kind hearted"
Stephanee - "That she is compassionate and tender hearted towards both animals and people who are hurting. And that she is always joyful and has such a positive outlook on life."
Those just barely scratch the surface of all the things that we love about our sweet girl. She brings so much joy and laughter and love to our family.
What a gift you are to us, Anastasiya Joy.
Happy Birthday Baby!


Kevin and Pam said...

Happy birthday Nastya! The chicks are so cute! What a great b-day present. :)

ArtworkByRuth said...

wow, what a great celebration! Congratulations!

Cindy said...

What a party! Chicks! Impressive! While we've been in UA, our 9yo "received" a chicken from a friend. Our dd has named her "Blackie," however, she will continue to reside with the friend and dd will pay for her feed. :) I would be a VERY popular mom if I would follow your example!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You have a beautiful family. We are in the process of adopting from Ukraine and plan to travel in April. If you have a minute would please email me directly? I have a few questions and would love to hear more about your journey. Thanks, Jeanne